Read our Hotelboat News

Pencil logoKeep up to the minute with interesting news and developments from the Hotelboat world. Read 

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Late Booking Cruises

watch logoWe show vacant cabins on the hotelboats, often offered at a special discount. Read more

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How to Book Your Cruise

how to book logoAll hotelboat cruises are booked directly with their Crews and Operators - Simple!

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Self drive logo If you're looking for a hire boat holiday check out hundreds of  hire boat holidays at Canal Junction.

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2026 Hotel Boat Cruises on the Midland canals and rivers

The Midland canals form a tight knot of interconnected waterways right in the Heart of England. There are enormous contrasts, from the once industrial arteries of Birmingham and the Black Country, to the remote rolling fields of Leicestershire and Warwickshire.

Much of the industry is now gone, Birmingham, reputed to have 'more canals than Venice', has used its canals to bring the city alive with places to walk and eat, and what were once coal mining areas have 'greened over' remarkably.

The network is packed with fascinating places to explore, like literary Stratford upon Avon and its theatre,  historic Warwick and its castle and the swish shops of Leamington Spa. 

Hotelboat waterway cruises in the English Midlands in 2026

Just click on the company name to go to their website and see full details of cruise itineraries and  boats, and to book your cruise. You can explore a different area from the menu on the left.